Sleeping In A Hammock: Your Complete Guide To Healthy Hammock Sleep - Trek Light Gear

Dormir en una hamaca: su guía completa para un sueño saludable en una hamaca

Seth Haber - Founder, CEO

From Fear To Love La gente me pregunta casi a diario si es cómodo o saludable dormir en una hamaca . De todas las preguntas que me hacen directamente, hay miles más que hablan de ello en sitios como Reddit y foros en línea en Internet con regularidad. Algunos preguntan sobre el uso de una hamaca todas las noches en casa o en un viaje de mochilero de larga duración, mientras que otras personas simplemente quieren saber si te despertarás con dolor de cuello y espalda si pasas demasiado tiempo en una o incluso te quedarás dormido "accidentalmente". . Sin embargo, lo que todos tienen en común es que La pregunta sobre el sueño casi siempre parece formularse desde un punto de vista escéptico, como en "Realmente no deberías dormir toda la noche en una hamaca, ¿verdad?" o “Sí, pero te romperán la espalda si pasas una noche entera en una de estas cosas, ¿verdad?”

¿Adivina qué?

Dormir en una hamaca es bueno para usted , incluso puede ayudar a curar el insomnio y, aunque recién ahora está comenzando a ganar reconocimiento en los estudios del sueño, es algo que personas de todo el mundo han comprendido y adoptado durante siglos. A menudo, el primer ejemplo que daré a las personas que preguntan sobre el uso de una hamaca a largo plazo es mirar a América Central y del Sur, donde literalmente millones de personas usan una hamaca como cama todas las noches. No es por necesidad o pobreza, se hace porque prefieren dormir en una hamaca por todos los beneficios que les brinda y en la mayoría de los casos crecieron durmiendo en una hamaca desde que eran bebés.

Entonces, si millones de personas en todo el mundo duermen cómodamente en hamacas todas las noches y los estudios científicos demuestran que es una de las formas más saludables de dormir, ¿por qué me encuentro con tanta gente que ha tenido malas experiencias al intentar o acercarse a la idea de incluso ¿Pasar demasiado tiempo en una hamaca con escepticismo?

Las malas experiencias en una hamaca suelen reducirse a dos cosas: estar en una hamaca mal diseñada o simplemente dormir incorrectamente en la hamaca. Exploraremos ambas áreas en el transcurso de las próximas publicaciones del blog y si su objetivo es simplemente aprender a descansar cómodamente en una hamaca o intentar dormir en una hamaca todas las noches, considere esta su guía definitiva para asegurándote de tener la hamaca adecuada y la técnica adecuada para conseguir un buen y saludable descanso en todo momento.

Cada parte de esta serie se publicará como su propia entrada y esta página se actualizará para incluir enlaces sencillos a cada sección. Entonces, sin más preámbulos, comencemos:

Parte I: Estas no son las hamacas que estás buscando: cómo te han lavado el cerebro con hamacas

Parte II: El efecto gofre humano

Parte III: El ángulo de la hamaca: cómo relajarse y dormir cómodamente en una hamaca, incluso si duerme de lado

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Comentarios (48)

  • I actually have, and grew up with, several types of hammocks. Net style, canvas, spreader bar… Living lakeside in the summer invites hammock use. I have spent many hours in hammocks and enjoy them very much. I have to say that I agree with you that spreader bar hammocks are the least enjoyable for long term use. That being said, I’m not a napper. I hate naps because I wake up feeling swollen and headachy. However the most peaceful, restful and relaxing sleep I ever had was an afternoon nap in a spreader bar hammock near the beach. The conditions were perfect; warm day, cool breeze, light blanket and only the sounds of nature. I have relived that nap in my head for years. I recently purchases a nylon hammock for camping and I cannot wait to use it. I haven’t heard anyone say that they would rather go back to their tent camping after using a hammock. Anyway, I just thought I should put that out there. Thanks for the guide.

    Matthew Williams
  • Hey names Aaron..
    I am in the market for a new bed and I am actually replacing my bed with a hammock after reading your articles. I suffer from a rare genetic disorder that causes immense amounts of pain and causes rapid joint degeneration (including the spine) so I am trying out a hammock in stead of a bed. Here is to hope!
    Thanks for posting

    Aaron Blue Rickabaugh
  • Thanks for sharing Aaron – hope and a hammock doesn’t sound like a bad combo to me! Here’s to hoping it gives you a great night’s sleep and some relief, don’t hesitate to check back in and let us know!

    Seth Haber | Trek Light Gear
  • […] as opposed to a hard surface. If you’ve never used a hammock before, be sure to read a bit about using one, so you’ll enjoy the full and correct experience with […]

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  • As embedded as I am in the transportation and logistics industry, I can’t help but wonder if you’re missing a target market in truck drivers. They are decreasing the number of hours truckers can log behind the wheel during a certain time period and not every truck has a sleeper cab. If you were caught in the middle of nowhere with a day cab truck a hammock would seem a downright fantastic option…even if you had a sleeper cab…who wants to spend your hours off in your workplace (the truck) anyway? Get a display stand and set up shop at a local truck stop sometime…you’ll find them very receptive and talkative (they don’t see other humans as much as they should and are open to new ideas.) The best part…just a few truckers happy with their hammock will spread the word all over the country for you free of charge as they chat over CB. Just a thought.

    Christopher Andreae
  • […] Sleeping in a hammock guide […]

    Camping USA 2013 | Tokeloshe
  • Hello, so I just ordered a hammock to try sleeping in because I have terrible chronic back pain and bad insomnia. I was curious about the setup you do? I like blankets so I’m wondering if that’s a possiblity and how? Also do you use a pillow? Is there an adjustment period of getting used to the change? Also any other advice you can pass on and share? It arrives Wednesday and I’m super excited to try it out. I hope I got a good one for sleeping, I read the three part article about styles and ways to lay and stuff so I feel more prepared but still nervous. Is that normal?

    Taylor Brake
  • If you got a Trek Light Gear Double hammock from our site then you’ve definitely got the right one for sleeping!

    Your other questions are all great questions and they all typically boil down to personal preference so I would try out a few different things and see what works for you. You can definitely use blankets either on top of your or beneath you or both. I would definitely expect an adjustment period, you’ve been sleeping in a bed your whole life (I assume) so there’s no reason to think that your body and brain won’t go through a bit of adjusting to being in a hammock. Although I honestly hear from people all the time that experience the ‘instant convert’ type of first night so if you’ve read the advice here and things go well don’t be surprised if everything is perfect for you right off the bat.

    There’s no reason to be nervous, there’s nothing scary or intimidating about it and even if you don’t adjust to it immediately the odds are pretty good you’re still going to get a decent night’s sleep while you sort out what works for you. Good luck and don’t hesitate to let me know how it goes!

    Seth Haber | Trek Light Gear

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