Trek Light Adventures: More From Guatemala and Belize

Seth Haber - Founder, CEO

Free Base checking in...

Picture 1 and 7 come from Lake Itza in San Jose, Peten Guatemala. Both are over exposed as the extra light allowed into the lens brightens up this night scene and blurs the swinging hammocks. Chillin’ 10 to 15 feet above the the ground on an elevated platform Andy and Denny, a friend, stay lifted with a perfect view of Lake Itza and its clear waters. The warm temp of the water served for a nice, and needed,  evening bath for us dirty travelers. A superb hammock destination to say the least.

Lake Itza in San Jose, Peten Guatemala

Lake Itza in San Jose, Peten Guatemala

In the second pic we are about 15 feet high in an old tree posted with our feet up. This enormous tree is of the type that holds a presence through which it speaks the wisdom and mysteries of time (same tree shown in pic 4,5,6). This abstract shot is one of my favorites. The only thing in focus is the careful woven material of the hammock as the background hints towards jungle foliage while revealing two sets of feet strung up in the canopy. This comes from the Cayo district in Belize, it's a secluded spot and the likes of any one else perching a hammock in the lofty branches of this tree again are not high.

Cayo district in Belize

Pic 3, 8, and 9 are from San Jose Succotz, Belize. We cut are way through the jungle with machetes and found power lines slicing through the forest. Naturally we saw two poles standing side by side and we thought simultaneously, "new hammock spot." From here we witnessed an unbelievable sunset over the Maya ruins at Xunantunich.

Our hammock was posted above head high on the poles. With no one else around we chilled out until the sun set and the moon rose accompanying us on our night walk back to our free base.


San Jose Succotz, Belize
San Jose Succotz, Belize


San Jose Succotz, Belize

In pic 4 I'm (Joe) retracing my way back up the tree, over 20 feet up at this point, in order to take my hammock down. It was no easy task getting our hammocks into, or out, of this tree, I think it could definitely be classified under the genre of "extreme hammocking." This tree, while it tried to chase us away with spider webs, ants, and high first branches, eventually welcomed us with its strength as we were both able to set up ours hammocks, one on top of the other in the midst of its breathtaking canopy. Pic 5 reveals the height of the hammocks and the true grandeur of this tree. Picture 6 show another angle as Joe chills gazing into the canopy.


Cayo district in Belize
Cayo district in Belize
Cayo district in Belize

Joe and Andy

(Ed. Note: Another great update from Joe and Andy and there’s more to come.  As always, don’t hesitate to leave comments below.  On a Trek Light Adventure of your own or planning one soon? Let us know about it and get your exploits featured on the Trek Life blog!)

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