Happiness First

Our promise to you.

"Trek Light offers products with purpose"

- Entrepreneur Magazine

Feel Good. Do Good. Pass It On.

It's a simple mantra that represents everything that Trek Light is built on.

Our mission is to spread happiness and change the world.

Simple, right?

It turns out it really is.

Here's how we do it.

Step 1: First Impressions Matter

Our first chance to spread happiness comes the moment we first meet and it continues long after.

From our heartfelt e-mail support when you need help, to the care we take in packing and shipping your order - we make your happiness our #1 priority before you've even opened a box.

When something as simple as our "Your order has shipped" email actually makes you laugh out loud and makes your day brighter, we know it was all worth it.

Step 2: Make Happy Products

Happiness doesn't always come in the form of a product you buy, but it certainly can. And our products are designed with the lofty but sincere goal of bringing you happiness every time you use them.

Maybe it's the messaging on a hat that makes you smile, the colors and warm designs of a blanket that make your room feel brighter, or the way our products encourage you to slow down, say yes to adventure, and create lifelong memories.

Step 3: Pay It Forward

Our 1-For-1 Give Back Program means that every purchase you make is a catalyst for change - the first step in a domino effect of good around the world that you help create.

By planting a tree for every item we sell, we make it possible for you to Feel Good, Do Good and Pass It On with every purchase you make.

They say happiness is only real when shared, let's share it with the world.

Step 4: Our Happiness Guarantee

"I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bull's @$$, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it." -  Tommy Callahan

With over 20 years in business, we know that nothing we've said here matters if we're not working to build long-term happiness with you as a customer.

That's why we stand behind everything we make with our Happiness Guarantee.

Our products can't last forever, and we're bound to make mistakes, but you have our promise that your happiness is, and always will be, our #1 priority.