Hammock Radio Vol. 1: Don't Ease Me In - Trek Light Gear

Hammock Radio Vol. 1: Don't Ease Me In

Seth Haber - Founder, CEO

If the hammock is a rockin'....

As many of you know that have been following along over the years - music is a big part of who we are at Trek Light.

Over the last 10+ years we’ve sponsored, setup a booth, donated product or in some way or another been involved with an awesome collection of music festivals: Bonnaroo, Telluride Bluegrass, Rocky Grass, Monolith, Mile High Music Fest, and Jam Cruise to name a few.

Music is the soundtrack to our work day.  It’s also been the soundtrack to all of our road trips and adventures over the years, as I’m sure it has been yours.  For me music shares the same power that our blankets and hammocks do – a magical ability to capture and bring me back to my most relaxed and happy memories no matter where I am.

So today we’re launching Hammock Radio, an ongoing series of handcrafted mixes in the spirit of mixtapes (playlists, for the uninitiated) for your listening pleasure. Listen to it when you’re wrapped up in your blanket, when you’re driving, when you’re at work or while off on your next adventure.

Hammock Radio will feature tunes that range from adventure to relaxation, from hippie to outlaw and everywhere in between - just like Trek Light’s products and the great people who use them. 

Our goal with the Hammock Radio series will always be to throw some new artists your way and introduce you to music you haven’t heard before or maybe haven’t heard in a long while.  On this release you’ll find household names like Led Zeppelin, B.B. King, and the Grateful Dead alongside artists like Chimney Choir, Cotton Jones, and Pokey LaFarge that you may not know yet - there's no overriding theme on this inaugural release, just a collection of great tunes to kick back with.  If you’re looking for Top 40 hits you won't find too much of it on our mixtapes, but what you will find is that much better for it.

Got a favorite song or band you love listening to and want to see on a future volume? 

Let us know about it and we’ll do our best to work it into a future mix. Even better, if you've got an entire playlist you want to share send it our way and we just may share your favorite mix with the world!

Hammock Radio Vol. 1:
Don’t Ease Me In

In order to listen to Trek Light's Hammock Radio playlists you'll need a Spotify account. It's completely free to sign up and listen. If you don't have an account click here to register and within a few seconds you'll be able to listen to Hammock Radio (and much more) from anywhere.

Once you’ve got a Spotify account, please do us a huge favor and click to Follow Trek Light's Spotify account.

You should also click Follow on the Don't Ease Me In playlist itself (from within the Spotify app) which will add it to your favorites so you don't have to search for it.

Following our account will guarantee you'll get notified when the next edition of Hammock Radio comes out and more importantly it will help us see how many of you are following along to ensure that this is something we can continue to devote time and effort to going forward. Enjoy the music! 

  1. Follow Trek Light on Spotify
  2. Follow This Playlist
  3. Get eased on in!

Hammock Radio Volume 1: Don't Ease Me In

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