How I Trek Light: Hammocking In The Tree Tops

Seth Haber - Founder, CEO

[The following is a guest post by a Trek Light customer. Share your story of how you Trek Light-ly with us and we’d love to feature it on the blog!]

My name is Jake Kurzweil and this is how I use my Trek Light Hammock. Hammock View From The Top - Trek Light

There are truly few things in life that are more relaxing, more rejuvenating and more enjoyable than finding the perfect spot for your hammock. Sometimes the search can be daunting, the trees are too close or too far apart, the trunk of the tree is too robust or the rock is just too light to support your weight. But that moment when you find the perfect ratio of hang to tension, you immerse yourself into the oldest broadcasting station of live entertainment on this the planet, the ever-changing, always in HD reality show of the world itself.

Hammocks allow you to enjoy our environment from a new view while in comfort. I am a guide and lead environmental educator for The Pacific Tree Climbing Institute and this notion of viewing our natural environment from new perspectives is a pillar of our ideology. Nestled into the foothills of the Cascade Range an hour outside of Eugene, Oregon, we take climber, novice to experienced, deep into the temperate old growth rain forest and high into the canopies. In order to be able to understand just a fraction of the majesty and complexity of our natural environment, you must expose yourself to many different viewpoints. We have found that the best place to absorb the value of our land is from the penthouse suites created by the architecture of old growth canopies.


On The Way Up - Hammock Tree Climbing


Using single rope technique, we climb 200-230 feet into the sky. With more similarities to mountaineering and arbor culture than rock climbing, ascending above the clouds has a likeness to the physical abilities of climbing a ladder.

We lead day climbs, as well as overnights and full exertions in which you spend the night in the giants themselves. Hammocks give us the ability to wake up above the birds and the clouds, amongst the epiphytic hanging gardens and embraced by the morning fog all while harnessed snugly into our hammocks, the perfect spot.


Trek Light - Hammock Tree Climbing  Trek Light - Hammock Tree Climbing


Climb into our world at Or check us out on Facebook.

[NOTE:  Jake, and the entire crew at The Pacific Tree Climbing Institute, are trained professionals using proper safety gear in all their endeavors.  As always, Trek Light never recommends hanging your hammock above a safe height (1-3 feet) or over any terrain which could result in injury in the case of an equipment failure.  In other words – hammock safely and don’t try this at home!]

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